Accessibility — Great User Experience for everyone!

For digital accessibility at every touchpoint

Accessibility and UX are closely related and share a common goal: the best possible usability.

Improved accessibility increases the usability for all users.

Change of perspective: The world is not equal for everyone

Over 200 million people have visual impairments, including color vision deficiency. That is why error notifications should not exclusively rely on color, as shown in the example.

Digital accessibility is a social commitment with additional value for everyone.

Kolleginnen besprechen eine Online-Präsentation gemeinsam.

Advantages for your business

  • Compliance with laws and regulations

  • Active support of inclusion and corporate social responsibility

  • Larger target audience 

  • Increased customer satisfaction 

  • Competitive advantage and optimized SEO

Fröhlicher Großvater und Enkelsohn benutzen gemeinsam ein Mobiltelefon.

Advantages for your customers

  • Digital inclusion and unlimited access to digital offers 

  • Prevention of negative reviews due to barriers 

  • User-friendliness and equality 

  • Support of assistance technologies 

  • Longterm increase in customer satisfaction and loyalty 

Topics & technologies

  • Simple language

  • Speech assistant

  • Data security

  • Inclusive design

  • WCAG

  • BITV


  • EN 301.549

  • Accessible documents

  • ARIA

  • Semantic code

  • Screen reader

  • Universal design

  • Adaptive systems

  • High-contrast mode

  • Eye tracking

Your first step towards digital accessibility

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards digital accessibility with your business, but you are unsure where to begin?

Our "Accessibility Quick Review" evaluates your digital platform against 35 essential criteria based on standards such as WCAG, BITV, and BFSGV. Receive a clear evaluation along with precise recommendations for next steps!

Accessibility Quick Review

  • Evaluation of 35 essential accessibility criteria

  • According to standards such as WCAG, BITV, and BFSGV

  • Comprehensive assessment of existing barriers

  • Guidance for next steps

Instead of 6.399 €
Special offer3.499

Together for an inclusive society.

Get your QuickReview today!

Early implementation of digital accessibility

Appreciating digital accessibility regulations during the concept phase will avoid additional costs for adjustments as an afterthought. Early inclusion of all user groups increases the quality and acceptance of an application from the beginning.

"Together with our long-term partner Ergosign, we are driving the mission of digital accessibility in energy supply in Düsseldorf forward. Thanks to their expertise in accessibility and user experience, our energy services become even more accessible for everyone. We have been continuously committed to digital accessibility for more than 15 years and have been awarded the Golden Bee for these activities."
Ein Projektteam bei der Arbeit im Meetingraum.

Ergosign has more than two decades of experience in UX design and digital accessibility. We know current standards and best practices and ensure that your digital presence meets the accessibility requirements of various legal standards (BITV, BFSGV, EN 301 549, WCAG). By integrating digital accessibility into the design and conception process at an early stage, we avoid later costs and revisions.

Together for an inclusive society. Let's start today.

Your contact person

Tobias Zapp

Tobias Zapp

Principal UX Designer

Team Manager


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